AmigaOS3.5 (851/967)

From:Jonas Thorell
Date:26 May 2000 at 03:13:09
Subject:RE: ASIMware produvts (WAS: Re: (unknown))

Marion E. Wyatt wrote:

>I saw a report on ANN about that and ASIMware will put the Amiga product
>pages back online soon. But I read another report/rumor that AsimCDFS had
>been cancelled. I do not trust rumors until there is official confirmation.

I don't trust rumours either but in this case I wouldn't be surprised.
Not in the case of AsimCDFS at any rate. It had a market when
3.1 was the latest system but with CacheCDFS included in 3.5
that market has dwindled considerably. For most people with
3.5 I can't see a reason why they would be interested in buying

And as for their other major product: MasterISO. Well, to put
it bluntly: MakeCD is cheaper, has more features and has support
for more CD-writers. That market is probably not profitable
either anymore.


Old school buds here: